Her Fut Waits At Table
13/08/2013 10:48
Her Fut Waits At Table
Science Fiction `Grand Master` Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88) wrote his juvenile novel for girls, Podkayne Of Mars (1963), featuring a young woman who wanted to learn how to pilot a starship, and that suggests `Pod` is `port side`, which is `left` in nautical terms, while positing a `star Pod`, that is, `starboard`, or `right` side of her ship. In Britney Spears` Oops I Did It Again` (2000) video single a spaceman arrives on her red planet of Mars to give her a gift, while an announcer is heard to shout:
`All aboard!`

The astronaut alludes to Robert A. Heinlein`s Have Space Suit - Will Travel (1958), which features a decision over the future of humanity by an extraterrestrial body that decides `love` is possibly a reason for allowing the Earth`s inhabitants to continue in existence. Britney Spears, in her red pilot`s suit, is Podkayne or `Poddy`, who places a hook in the spacesuit of the astronaut to hoist him above herself in a white bikini dress, to where she lies beneath upon a white blanket, stretched out between the points of a star. She`s `star Pod` or `starboard`, that is, the right side of the ship, to Pod`s side, which is the left or `port side`.

Robert A. Heinlein`s novel Glory Road (1963) contains a character called Star, `Empress of the Twenty Universes`, who advertises for a hero in a newspaper. Oscar answers and becomes her champion. Britney Spears` video single `Lucky` features herself as Lucky, a Hollywood movie `star` winning the Oscar for `best actress`, while the companions at her side are herselves, to port and starboard, and the only sign of the Heinleinian hero, Oscar, is the golden statuette.

The gift Britney Spears` spaceman gives her relates to the story of the Titanic, which was the ocean going liner on its maiden voyage in 1912 from Liverpool, England that hit an iceberg and sank before reaching its destination in New York. In the movie Titanic (1997) Rose drops the `heart of the ocean`, a blue diamond pendant in the shape of a heart at the scene of the ship`s salvage; as a memorial to her part in the tragedy as one of the ship`s passengers:
`But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end?`

Robert A. Heinlein was the retired naval officer graduated from the US Naval Academy at Annapolis in 1929 and aboard the destroyer, the USS Roper, when diagnosed with tuberculosis, which ended his active status with the US navy. Working as a naval reserve at the Philadelphia Navy Yard in 1943 Heinlein used his knowledge gained there to write Have Space Suit Will Travel and suits similar to his were worn by Neil Armstrong and the other Apollo 11 astronauts when their lunar module arrived upon the surface of Earth`s satellite as the last stage borne by the North American Space Program`s (NASA) Saturn V space rocket as Armstrong became the first man to set foot upon the moon:
`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`1

Britney Spears` spaceman gives his gift in a small black box; as if in it are the recorded last moments of the Titanic before it descended into the ocean depths, which is how a black box functions in air crash scenarios. The pressure suits Heinlein was working on at the Philadelphia Navy Yard were ultimately for the X-15 spaceplane program which faced the problem of blackouts for pilots, whose pressure suits couldn`t maintain the occupant`s consciousness at high altitudes, and the `black box` was the only means of obtaining information in the event of the loss of the pilot`s life:
`Well baby I went down and got it for you.`

The pressure suits worked on by Heinlein were diving suits before being adapted for aviators. Britney`s spaceman is a diver if he went to get the `heart of the ocean`, and so his spaceuit is an improved Heinlein diving suit. As he hangs above Britney, in her white bikini dress, the tines of a giant fork can be seen beside his spacehelmet`s camera as he films the `alien`. It`s `fork starboard` for the `small` star, whose `sister`, `Pod`, descended in her red pilot`s suit in a giant`s serviette ring at the outset of `Oops I Did It Again`. `Star` Pod is `ova` board without a hit from the eyes in the drink:
`You see my problem is this; I'm dreaming away: wishing that heroes, they truly exist.`

Heinlein`s novel Job: A Comedy Of Justice (1984) was based on God`s question, `Can you pull in leviathan with a hook?` The raising of the sunken ship, the Titanic, posed a similar question: can it be done? Alex and his wife, Margarethe, experience a series of `world changes` during the course of Heinlein`s novel, Job, loosely based on God`s hammering of the eponymous biblical character because he wanted to to see if he could break a believer`s `spirit`:
`In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job. This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil.` (Job: 1)

When Britney Spears, in her red suit in `Oops I Did It Again`, hooks her spaceman to suspend him above herself in a white bikini dress, he`s Job looking down upon leviathan. Heinlein`s Job is Alex and his wife Margarethe`s name means `pearl`, while `the pearl of great price` is the `kingdom of God`:
`Heaven is where Margrethe is.`2

Alexander was the surname of Britney Spears` first husband of 55 hours from January 3-5, 2004. The `marriage contract` is represented at the outset of `Oops I Did It Again` by the giant`s ring, and the contract `jewel` is the `heart of the ocean`, while the seemingly iron claws surrounding Britney Spears` dance routine represent the `unsheathed clause` attending marital infidelity:
`Oops! You think I'm in love. That I'm sent from above. I'm not that innocent.`

Because the red planet of Mars is associated with the name of the Roman war god, in her red suit Britney Spears represents the war that would occur between herself and her betrayers if they tried to break her fingernails, that is, the claws holding onto her contract `jewel` ring. Britney`s allusion to Heinlein`s novel Job: A Comedy Of Justice relates to the concept of the `world changes` that befall the couple, Margarethe and Alex, where `Justice` is the iceberg, that is, `just ice`, which hit the Titanic and caused it to sink:
`Give me a sign. Hit me baby one more time.`

According to Revelation there are signs attending the apocalyptic events that will change the world. Britney`s lyric for `... Baby One More Time` (1998) is intepretable as `Give Messiahn`, which means she wants a sign from God through the Messiah, Jesus Christ, about whether or not her ship is to sail on, and her projected marriage, which is conceived as Titanic, is to have justice or disaster because of the eyes in the djinn, that is, the ice in the drink of the injustice that sank the ship in a `world change` equivalent to those from Heinlein`s Job: A Comedy Of Justice in which Yahweh, the name for God in Judaism, is one amongst other gods, including Satan, who introduces himself as `Jerry` to Alex and Margaret, his `pearl of great price`, who is `the kingdom of God`:
`Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a man of wealth and taste. I've been around for a long, long year; stole many a man`s soul and faith. And I was round when Jesus Christ had his moment of doubt and pain; made damn sure that Pilate washed his hands and sealed his fate. Pleased to meet you. Hope you guess my name. But what's puzzling you is the nature of my game ...` 3

Satan is `Iblis` in Arabia, who was a shaitan djinn that refused to `bow` before man, according to the Koran, which is the holy book of Islam, that is, the Moslem faith dictated by the angels to the prophet Mohammed six hundred and thirty years after Jesus` teachings of Redemption for `woman`s seed`, but unendurable eternal pain for the `serpent`s seed` of men`s `perpetual enmity` for the host wombs of women if they refuse to convert:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
Homosexuality is depicted in Revelation as the `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS and a concomitant of men`s worship of the god of war in pederasty`s enslavement of women`s host wombs to devour her civilization, culture and art despite her efforts to avoid men`s parasitical depredations upon her human species. The foundations of Western civilization were in ancient Greece where men enslaved women to further their god of pederasty and war. Against Troy the homosexual Greeks employed the device of the huge hollow wooden horse as a `friendship gift` from within which they emerged to enslave the host wombs of the city and spread their contagion further.
By the 21st century the `Trojan horse` virus had become the paradigm for resistance to technological progress, and terrorist visitors to the USA on 9/11 2001 denied the gift of friendship to hijack civil airliners and crash them into the World Trade Centre to precipitate another round of `rough trade`, that is, the homosexual brutality and violence associated with pederasty`s war against technological progress for the human species through the development of the contents of woman`s host wombs, which Iblis` `biological weapon` was attempting to deny her by enforcing faithfulness to the enslaver`s tool of monogamy through fear of death by sex.
Jesus Christ`s birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, prefigured the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` as the future of humanity. In the Bible Solomon the wise was asked by two women to judge which of them should have the child both claimed was theirs. Solomon offered to cut the babe in two and give half to each, but one woman said she`d rather give the infant to the other woman than see it die, so Solmon gave her the baby. If the child had been `futanarian`, that is, the baby of the women`s own penis` `seed`, there`d have been no offer from Solomon of the sword in judgement, because that infant, like Jesus Christ, is the future of the human species of `woman`s seed`, rather than an enslaved host womb for the improved development of men`s devourings of her and her child:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 16. 11)

The flag of the terrorist group Al Qaeda was the yellow moon, and the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth to Jesus Christ in his `Second Coming`, while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour him who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter.` (Rev: 2. 27). The red flag of Japan may be understood as the sun `Liberty` is clothed with after her victories over the cowardly attack upon her Pacific fleet at her birth waters in Pearl harbor when, at Hawaii on 7 December 1941, the Japanese Empire of the sun`s mitsubishi suicide `zero` fighter `kamikaze` pilots crashed their planes into the decks of the becalmed US carrier fleet without warning in an attempt to suicide the USA in World War II (1939-45). In her birth waters of New York harbor after the executions of Al Qaeda`s leader and main supporter, Saudi Arabia`s Osama Ben Ladan, on May 2 2011 by US `Team Six` at his hideaway in Pakistan close by the walls of that nation`s Military Academy, `Liberty` prepared to birth herself and her child `clothed` also with the yellow moon of the flag of Al Qaeda after the Gulf war (2000-11) to defeat dictator, Saddam Hussein, who had offered Al Qaeda, that is, `the base`, bases for the spread of its contagion from his nation of Iraq:
`In the year of the new century and nine months, from the sky will come a great king of terror. The sky will burn at forty-five degrees. Fire approaches the great new city. In the city of [New] York there will be a great collapse, two twin brothers [, that is, the Twin Towers,] torn apart by chaos while the fortress falls the great leader will succumb [and a] third big war will begin when the big city is burning.`4

The events of 9/11 were a `world change` from the perspective of Robert A. Heinlein`s Job: A Comedy Of Justice and fit not only with the apocalyptic Revelation but the predictions of the French seer Michel Nostradamus, which foretell World War III that began in 1990 when Christians and Moslems began `ethnic cleansing` within the breakaway states of Yugoslavia, formerly united under the governance of Soviet Russian Communism`s Marshal Tito before the withdrawal of the Soviet Union and its Red Army from Eastern Europe, where it had been since the defeat of Adolf Hitler`s genocidal pogroms against the `chosen people`, that is, the Jews, at the close of World War II in 1945. A Jew can only be born from a Jewess, which means that the German National Socialist `Nazi` Party that came to power in the 1930s was a woman killer. The `ethnic cleansings` in Yugosalvia were similarly manifestations of men`s concealing from women their true nature before killing her, and so `ethnocentricity` may be defined as woman`s enemy culturally disguised within civilized behaviour patterns embraced by `woman`s seed` but perceived as only painted on to prepare the scene for her predator:
`I was utterly confused. A stranger in a strange land, I was overcome by customs new and shocking. But through it all I clung to the conviction that I must appear to be sophisticated, at home, unsurprised.` (Ch. 2)

Britney Spears` `Oops I Did It Again` posits that the ice in the water waiting in vain to sink her Titanic ship is the `heart of the ocean` coveted by the eyes in the djinn, Iblis, who according to Islamic tradition has no power other than to whisper in the ears of his hearers. A `frozen margarita` is with ice, while Margrethe in Heinlein`s Job: A Comedy Of Justice was a hostess aboard a Danish cruise liner before the ship hit an iceberg in the South Seas and precipitated a `world change` attributed to the Norse god Loki, who is known for his `evil eye` in mythology, but Britney Spears` treatment of the theme in `Oops I Did It Again` suggests the eyes in the djinn, Iblis, and Loki`s freezing of Margrethe, after she`s begun a sexual relationship with Alex, are the theme of the gods, not because they want women but because they don`t:
`I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.` (Ex: 20. 5)

According to Revelation `woman`s seed` receives a `new heaven and Earth` from God, while the `serpent`s seed` have the punishment of perdition, so Margarethe is the `seed pearl` of God`s kingdom on Earth, and Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen is the breaker of the gods` theme of pederasty and `world change` through cataclysm, disaster and war. Because Christ`s `Mission` as the Messiah was to prepare women for self-reproduction, without conflict inspired by godlike parasites:
`You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5)

The enslaving and devouring serpent, who tempted Eve with the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` in Eden, before Adam and Eve were expelled therefrom for disobedience by God, grew into the `red dragon` of Revelation waiting in vain to consume Jesus Christ in his `Second Coming` as the `New Redeemer` of `woman`s seed`, Margrethe, that is, the `pearl of great price`, which is the `kingdom of God`, according to her name and Alex`s belief in `wife worship`:
`I have what I want. I would not want to be a saint in Heaven if Margrethe was not with me; I wouldn't fear going to Hell if she was there - not that I believe in Hell or ever stood a chance of being a saint in Heaven.` (Ch.29)

Male gods don`t have any power if you`re `woman`s seed`, because she doesn`t hear the whisperings of Iblis, but Loki`s `frozen margarita` of Job: A Comedy Of Justice, that is, Margrethe in the drink after the iceberg hits, implies Loki`s eye`s for the djinn, Iblis, though the shaitan can only whisper of drunken dissolution and Satan`s desire that `woman`s seed` be extinct in the darkness of unconsciousness and death:
`Boy you got me blinded.`

Britney Spears` lyric from `... [Hit Me] Baby One More Time` suggests she`s aware of the `world change` phenomenon of Job: A Comedy Of Justice, which posits alternative time and parallel universes, while her allusion to the threat of the iceberg hitting her ship in `Oops I Did It Again` reinforces the theme of death as a means of attaining heaven, `... to lose all my senses; that is just so typically me baby ...` Appearing as `dual` in her red pilot`s suit, Britney hoists her spaceman to film above herself in a white bikini dress with the camera eye attached to his spacehelmet:
`When I'm not with you I lose my mind ... hit me baby one more time.`

Although her penis isn`t visible beneath her white bikini dress, Britney Spears` contract `dual` partner to herself in a red pilot`s suit is implicitly `futanarian` woman with her own female semen. That baby would need her to keep her senses and not lose her mind in suicidal fantasies of self-sacrifice so it wouldn`t be hit by her `Russian roulette` game of accessing alternate parallel universes in space and time by inviting `hits`, which for `Stronger` is an issue resolved:
`Stronger than yesterday. Now it’s nothing but my way. My loneliness ain’t killing me no more. I’m stronger.`

After her first hit, `[Hit Me] Baby One More Time,` Britney Spears` `frozen margarita` was herself in a white bikini dress appearing as if upon a cocktail`s parasol for `Oops I Did It Again`, because she`s Margrethe, the `pearl of great price` from Heinlein`s Job: A Comedy Of Justice and the giant`s mouth of the ocean of space also contains the tooth of the ogre waiting to devour her spaceman`s `kingdom of God`. By `Stronger` Britney`s jaw`d taken enough hits to accept Jesus` teachings of `just ice` for the bruises surrounding the `pearls` of her mouth:
`... do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you.` (Matt: 7. 6)

Britney Spears in the red `Poddy` suit from Heinlein`s novel Podkayne Of Mars, and in the white bikini dress of `Star` Pod atop the parasol umbrella as `frozen margarita`, that is, Margrethe, the `pearl of great price`, which is `the kingdom of God`, represent `port and starboard`, where Pod and `Star` Pod are `port wine` and whatever `star` fare is on the ship`s board when the meal`s prepared.

Jesus` giving of `bread and wine` to his disciples at the `Last Supper`, before his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, was in token of his `body and blood` and represents his desire not to be given over by the traitor Judas Iscariot to be tortured and murdered because he`d thought himself amongst friends.

As the `host` at table, Christ represents his mother, the Virgin Mary, from whose `host` womb he received nurture, whereas his crucifiers were the ogres that would drink the blood of Britney`s `Pod` in her red suit, that is, at the port wine side, and at board they`d eat the flesh of Britney`s `star` Pod in her white bikini dress, that is, at the starboard side, in rites not cannibalistic but parasitical, because the true human species is `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` and host womb.

`Oops I Did It Again` is about being `at the left and right` in the sense of functionally capable, so Britney Spears` spaceman from Heinlein`s Have Space Suit Will Travel represents the petitioning astronaut outside the ship asking Pod and her twin, `Star` Pod, that is, port and starboard, to drink port and eat `star` board with them. In her red port side suit and dressed in her white bikini for `star` board, Britney Spears` Pod and `Star` Pod are there to remind the spaceman he`s a `reincarnation`, because he has no memory of the ship and is possessed by the demons of `Mission Control`, who are using the `reconditioned spacesuit`, which is how the boy Kip describes his purchase in Heinlein`s Have Space Suit Will Travel, to retrace his steps and `cheat` their way into a previous relationship held dear. The reincarnated astronaut, in his `reconditioned` Apollo 11 spacesuit, finds a miniature painting of her upon a stone shaped like a `cookie` that is, a biscuit, and it is as if it were an internet website`s `cookie` - `Open Sesame!` - the discovery causes a Mars` `quake` while the huge set of `Oops I Did It Again` emerges from beneath the waterless sandy terrain; much to the enthusaistic delight of the demons:
`Cute. What is it?`

In the Heinlein juvenile Have Space Suit Will Travel the boy Kip and an `alien`, `the Mother Thing`, who befriends him, together face an `intergalactic court` deciding the fate of humanity that defers its decision to deprive Earth of its `star`, based on Kip`s evaluation of the value of `human love`. `Oops I Did It Again` posits Heinlein`s `star` Poddy as valuable because loved. In placing a hook in the spacesuit to lift it so the spaceman can see her `Poddy` Britney is answering God`s question to Job:
`Can you pull in leviathan with a hook?`

The `hook` is definable as the refrain from a song and `Oops! ... I did it again` is the phrase geared to remind the astronaut of what had happened previously in his various reincarnations before he arrived possessed by the demons inhibiting his retraced steps in the `reconditioned spacesuit` on the red planet of Mars until they`ve forced an entry to the ship by tracking him along his former lives` path. Britney Spears` duetting crew can remind her spaceman and so he`s `leviathan` in terms of the video single`s message of Resurrection and Ascension to heaven for him who`s remembered her with love, which is necessary if the Earth is to be redeemed from being deprived of its `star`, according to the plot of Heinlein`s Have Space Suit Will Travel, where human love is depicted as the means to their Salvation:
`All right, take away our star. You will if you can and I guess you can. Go ahead! We'll make a star!`
For the intergalactic court the question would be, why? If love is Salvation for the human species, what does a beligerent refusal to die have to do with that? Most science fiction critics would argue that the will to survive as a species is admirably presented by Heinlein in Have Space Suit Will Travel, but not if the species is enslaved for food by the parasite, which wants to live in order to consume the guesting host. In her red pilot`s suit in `Oops I Did It Again` Britney Spears is birthing a new `star` as herself in a white bikini dress, beneath the eye of her spaceman`s camera. Because `futanarian` love for herself as the human species of woman with her own penis` `seed` is the newborn `star` that can save the ship of the Earth and be at the left and right, that is, port and starboard, where aboard the woman`s ship of the Earth she has her portholes and boards beneath her day star, but she has the foot of a woman, who may not be a man, and though her steps are smaller than Neil Armstrong`s, it`s a greater leap forward for humanity.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the enslaving and devouring parasites of the food patrol were still assuring themselves that the foot of the woman wouldn`t ever get off the floor so her productive host womb would remain as a consumed durable, that is, civilization, culture and art would continue to be devoured by her enslaver in what God warns Eve in Eden will be the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for `woman`s seed` in its wars of pederasty against her before she `will crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves` (Rev: 3. 15) for the `new heaven and Earth` promised by God. However, it`s been the role of the censor in Hollywood, Babylon, to conceal the fact of the woman`s penis from cinema audiences, by making the penis so taboo even the innocuously sexless bedroom scenes of the 1950s and 1960s required the `futanarian` biune human species of woman with her own penis` `seed` to keep her foot on the floor. 9/11 was made into the movie World Trade Centre (2006) and it was the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers that precipitated the Gulf war (2001-11) with Iraq`s dictator Saddam Hussein, where the ancient capital was Babylon, which means Hollywood, Babylon was so called because, like Saddam Hussein, it wanted to keep the woman`s penis on the floor to produce more whore and war, while her foot waits table:
`I am the way and the truth and the life.` (John: 14. 6)
1 July 20 UTC.
2 Heinlein, Robert A. Job: A Comedy Of Justice, Ballantine Books, 1984, Ch. 29.
3 `Sympathy For The Devil` by The Rolling Stones from the album Beggar`s Banquet, 1968.
4 Nostradamus, Michel Les Propheties, 1555, Century 72, Quatrain 10, https://christiananswers.net/q-comfort/nostradamus.html .
5 Heinlein, Robert A. Have Space Suit - Will Travel, 1958.