Dropping In With Starship Troopers, An Outing For Robert A. Heinlein
21/08/2013 13:48
Dropping In With Starship Troopers, An Outing For Robert A. Heinlein
One of the main unspoken themes of the juvenile fiction of the first `Grand Master` of science fiction, Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88), is the projected incest between the boy and the girl in the story, where the reader idenitifes with the young woman through the mind of the boy and desires her sexually, which is a form of adult perversion for those who return to the books after their childhood. In his only juvenile specifically for girls, Podkayne Of Mars (1963), Poddy is `accidentally` killed by her brother, Clarke, because that represents men`s solution to their incestuous relations with their sister, who isn`t even of the same species, which makes of the male protagonist an alien:
`Anything that conflicts with the survival instinct acts sooner or later to eliminate the individual ...`1

Ancient Greek society was based on homosexuality`s enslavement of the host wombs of women to spread the contagion of their alien war god of pederasty. THe dramatist Sophocles in Oedipus Rex (c. 429 BC) described the character Oedipus` `accidental` marriage with his mother leading to his self-blinding because of the power of the incest taboo upon him. Heinlein examines the theme of incest openly in many of his adult stories, Time Enough For Love (1973) and To Sail Beyond The Sunset (1987) for example, and concludes there`s no actual inhibitory factor to weigh against it other than the taboo:
... that anything two - or more - people want to do is all right as long as it does no physical harm. He fe[lt ... ] the words 'moral' and 'immoral' ridiculous when applied to sexual relations. Right and wrong the correct words, used exactly as they would be used in any other human relation.`2

Because women have a penis` `seed` of their own as `futanarian` woman, they`re a single biune self-reproducing `family of Man`. The taboos against incest and the male penis are a device of men`s to prevent woman from knowing herself openly and so having a family of her own, which is why blindness is the theme of incest, as Laz and Lor point out to Time Enough For Love`s myopically long-lived character, Lazarus Long, `Coupling with us might be masturbation, but it can't be incest because we aren't your sisters.`3 He`s an alien to their species. Men don`t want women to remember their own penis` `seed` and so Lazarus Long`s penis in To Sail Beyond The Sunset, where time-travelling he falls just short of impregnating his mother with his own self (p. 551), and Oedipus` incestuous marriage in Oedipus Rex represent the penis drawn too well by the mother. They`re types of the figure of Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, who draws Christ a self-reproducing `futanarian` picture rather than incest:
`What this world needs is more loving, sweaty and friendly and unashamed.` (p. 203)

Christ is described as `the first of woman` s seed`, because he represents Redemption for `Man` if he`s accepting of the host womb of the human species, rather than enslaving it for the alien wars of pederasty waged against what woman is able to produce of civilization, culture and art. Despite men`s wars of what God warns Eve in Eden is the `serpent`s seed` of homosexuality`s `perpetual enmity` for her `seed`:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

HIV/AIDS functions as the `biological weapon` of men enslaving of woman`s host wombs in fearful faithfulness to monogamy, whereas she`s a triune species in her sexuality. In his juvenile for boys, Starship Troopers (1959), Robert A. Heinlein depicts mother`s delivering boys to fight against `the Bugs`, which are aliens that may be extrapolated as the HIV/AIDS virus that is decribed in Revelation as the `blood plague`:
`In a mixed ship the last thing a trooper hears before a drop (maybe the last word he ever hears) is a woman's voice, wishing him luck. If you don't think this is important you've probably resigned from the human race.`

In the Starship Troopers (1997) Hollywood Babylon movie women also drop onto the planet of `the Bugs`, which immediately brands them as `lesbian` in the common imagination, because war is pederasty, and the `rough trade` of homosexual `brutality and violence` for men engaging themselves with unwilling boys, while women are a separate species for whom lesbianism is a normal aspect of their sexual nature but isn`t `homosexual`, which is rather men`s alien nature:
`Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor.`
Because lesbians are able to recognize the alien enemy of their species, it`s logical to find them dropping onto `the Bug` worlds to defend humanity against the virus, but the extrapolation doesn`t go far enough. If men are the virus, `the Bugs` are the women, because the genuine aliens are the men. The dropping of the boys onto `the Bug` home planet is a book-writer`s subterfuge, where `lesbian` juveniles are being taught to fight for their own species:
`Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes. Of all the so-called natural human rights that have ever been invented, liberty is least likely to be cheap and is never free of cost.`

As `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`, women have a socio-economic and technological valence for reproducing her own brains` power to produce starships to take her away from the Earth`s aliens. Those women who sexually reproduce are `futanarian` women with her own semen and women without, whereas lesbian women simply prefer their own gender, but have learned to recognize men as aliens and so are the legitimate defenders of their race:
`A scientifically verifiable theory of morals must be rooted in the individual's instinct to survive - and nowhere else! - and must correctly describe the hierarchy of survival, note the motivations at each level, and resolve all conflicts.`

The `footrace` is what the `futanarian` woman may be described as, but for men she`s their `food race`, because they eat her, and so don`t want her to run, as a computer programmer might say, where `running` the `futanarian` human race as more than a `futrace`, that is, a `food race`, for the enslavers and devourers of what she`s able to produce from her host womb in the way of civilization, could leave behind men to engage themselves with cannibalism as well as their boys` wars in pederasty`s worship of themselves as war gods:
`You shall be as gods.`

Those are the serpent`s words to Adam and Eve in Eden; tempting them to eat of the fruit of the tree of the `knowledge of good and evil`. But God tells Eve she`ll `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) for a `new heaven and Earth`. The suggestion God is intelligence, but not clever, is proven false. If women are the `futanarian` species of the human race, the `foot race` is what God is describing her as when she kills the serpent with her `foot` as she begins to `run`, in computer programming terms, her own race:
`Happiness consists in getting enough sleep. Just that, nothing more.`

The star of the movie Starship Troopers is Denise Richards, seen in shower scenes with men and women, in what critics perceived as liberated `unisex` scenes of male-female cameraderie against a common foe, whereas the women were naked with their parasites, and of course lesbianism as the titillating aspect of dutiful female nudes` reporting. No `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed` were visible, which suggests Heinlein`s `book war` with his juveniles` publisher, G. P. Putnam`s and Sons, was unsuccessfully concluded when librarians ostensibly objected to a preview of the novel that it was unsuitable for young adults because it was `fascistoid`.

During and before WWII (1939-45) the German Nazis` `shower scene` was of 6,000,000 Jews being taken to the `showers`, a euphemism for `poison gas chambers`, where they were killed. You can`t be born a Jew unless from a Jewess, which effectively means that women are Jews, so are God`s `chosen people`, because `woman`s seed` is `futanarian` with her own penis` `seed`. Heinlein`s Starship Troopers could be considered `fascistoid`, `Jeeze, Sarge will it kill you to shower once in a while?` But only insofar as there`re no `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed` visible in the movie:
`Hey, babe. REAL men smell, and REAL men like it.`4

T`Phai replies to Sergeant Brutto`s rebuking of Isabelle ``Dizzy` Flores in Roughnecks: The Starship Troopers Chronicles (1999-) TV series` shower scene, `That is true. My mate chose me for my scent.` He speaks like an animal because men are. The suggested lesbianism of the mixed shower scene is far more appropriate for the women of Heinlein`s Starship Troopers` cosmos, because they`ll need their own armies if they`re to fight and win the war against the `red dragon` of Revelation God depicts in heaven for her `futanarian` future as a species. Permanent unendurable pain awaits those who support the gods of pederasty, according to God, as men`s punishment for enslaving women`s host wombs for war. Men`s preference for mixing blood, shit and semen in the steriity of anal sex together is a rejection of the host wombs of women as the prelude to their planned `war in heaven` against God and the heavenly host of the angels, so men can worship Thanatos as the `Greek` god of death`s war gods:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

Robert Heinlein`s Starship Troopers was primarily criticized for being `militaristic` in its advocation of citizenship only for war `veterans`. But women who accept enslavement of their host wombs in pederasty to the devouring Greek gods of war, death and plague (Nosoi) are traitors to their own human species. To be a citizen she`ll have to fight for `woman`s seed`, and Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, is a sign she`ll have help from human men, while those who have accepted enslavement for the host womb of the human species will have perdition:
`Citizenship is an attitude, a state of mind, an emotional conviction that the whole is greater than the part ... and that the part should be humbly proud to sacrifice itself that the whole may live.`

As the host in his mother`s stead at the `Last Supper`, before his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, Jesus gave `bread and wine` to the disciples instead of his `body and blood`, because he wanted neither his mother nor himself to die as hosts. The shower scene in Starship Troopers is the precursor to the `food fight` for men engaged with boys in the worship of the Greek gods of war, death and plague, because humans are `food` to their devourer. The `futanarian` species of woman with her own penis` `seed` is:
`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`5

The words of Neil Armstrong, astronaut of Apollo 11, as the first man on the moon, sparing time to lament the death by war and plague of the human `futanarian` species, the `futrace`, which he`d just won. The concept embodied in the term `mankind` posits a kind man, whereas killing the `futrace` to step over the body of the human species into a sterile wilderness with no oxygen is unkind and alien to humanity, but perhaps the aliens were just visiting old haunts.
1 Heinlein, Robert A. Starship Troopers, George Putnam`s Sons, 1959, 263 pp.
2 Heinlein To Sail Beyond The Sunset, G. P. Putnam`s Sons, 1987, p. 121.
3 Heinlein Time Enough For Love, G. P. Putnam`s Sons, 1973, p. 448.
4 Staley, Steve Roughnecks: The Starship Troopers Chronicles, (1999-).
5 July 20 1969 (UTC).