Answer to Job

21/11/2023 10:38

Answer to Job


The developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), wrote of his understanding of the book of Job in the Old Testament of the Bible, that is, the Talmud and Torah, which is the history and law of the Jewish people, as an Answer to Job (1952), because he felt that God’s relationship towards humans required some explanation, which science fiction writer, Robert A. Heinlein, in his novel Job: A Comedy Of Justice (1984) also thought: ‘The very basis of the Judeo-Christian code is injustice, the scapegoat system. The scapegoat sacrifice runs all through the Old Testament, then it reaches its height in the New Testament with the notion of the Martyred Redeemer. How can justice possibly be served by loading your sins on another? Whether it be a lamb having its throat cut ritually, or a Messiah nailed to a cross and "dying for your sins". Somebody should tell all of Yahweh's followers, Jews and Christians, that there is no such thing as a free lunch.’1 Unfortunately they believe that killing is Redemption, that is, Jesus, born in a stable amongst animals with a star over him was a sign of his being prepared for a special sacrifice, which would be powerfully beneficial tribal magic.

 Although Jung had little to say about Onan, other than he was an early Christ-figure, the character in Genesis, who was ostensibly killed for being a masturbator, whereas he was in fact killed by God for refusing to impregnate the wife of his brother, Tamar, was a type of Job, who God allowed Satan to hammer mercilessly; despite Job’s being a good man. As women are capable of sexually reproducing from their own penis’ semen as a futanarian species, Onan isn’t guilty of spilling his semen on the ground so much as he’s representative of men who’d made it impossible for Tamar to be fertilized by her own race, which is what made God angry enough to kill Onan.



 Women are God’s ‘foot’ race, as God explains to Eve, after she’s unwise enough to accept the ‘fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’ from the serpent in paradise, Eden, where the angel had been placed, transformed by God for rejecting God’s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic. Eve, the woman, and Adam, the first man created by God, had been told they could ‘eat of the fruit of the tree of life’, that is, accept immortality, because the fruit of the tree of knowledge was death. However, Eve accepted death, and gave some of the fruit to Adam, because the former angel, Satan, said: ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) Eve and Adam’s descendants would be the gods; death, slavery and war. However, God told Eve her ‘seed’ would have Redemption: ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) Woman’s futanarian species’ seed is able to sexually reproduce her own brains’ technology to escape from Earth’s hell despite misogyny’s efforts to crush her spirit.

 In the book of Job God is depicted as consulting with Satan over the good man, Job (Job: 2. 6), who God allows Satan to mercilessly hammer until he’s lost all he values and holds dear. Jung argues God is omniscient in the person of the Shekinah, that is, the ‘feminine spirit of God’, but God’s forgotten to consult with her. However, as God was angry with Onan in the same way, while the explanation is that Onan represented men who’d killed women’s futanarian race by spilling their blood upon the ground, God’s omniscience would have revealed that God hammered Job by proxy because he was still angry, but unconsciously so, that is, he’d forgotten that the feminine spirit of God was a ghost. As the memory of women’s seed haunted God everywhere, so the Shekinah was omnipotent God’s omnipresence and omniscient knowledge.

 When ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’ Messiah, Jesus, was born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, he represented humanity born only of woman, that is, women’s seed, whose teaching, during the period of the Roman occupation of Jewish Palestine which, for those calling themselves Christians, became the basis of the superseding New Testament, was: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) However, Jesus was betrayed by his disciple, Judas, who caught him with a woman. Betraying him to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, Jesus was taken by the Romans to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, where he was nailed to a cross of wood and died there. Experiencing Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, Jesus prefigured that of women’s seed which, before Jesus, had been often accused of adultery, that is, adulteration of what was pure, whereas Jesus had said of an accused woman: ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’ (John: 8. 7) None had been able to, because all were guilty of killing women’s ‘foot’ race, although Jesus’ mother Mary’s crushing the head of the serpent beneath her foot in Christian iconography is symbolic of Jesus’ promised victory for the human seed of women.



1 Heinlein, Robert A. Job: A Comedy Of Justice, Chapter 27, Ballantine Boks, 1984.